A war with Iran would be far more expensive and devastating in the US History

Since decades, the United States and Iran are engaged in a struggle for control over the flow of oil through the Persian Gulf. A fifth of the world’s daily oil supply moves through the narrow Strait of Hormuz, offshore of Iran. Given the history of oil and war in hot spots from Iraq to Libya to Sudan, many wonders if the situation will ever get normalized.

 In April 2019, the United States imposed new sanctions, setting off an escalating spiral of actions. A series of attacks on oil tankers began in May. Iran and the United States have destroyed each other’s drones in the area. Now the United States is deploying more troops and patriot missiles in Saudi Arabia. Seeing these ominous scenes, many observers wonder whether we are on the brink of a potential war. 

Source: theduran.com

Tulsi Gabbard is firmly against a probable war with Iran. Also, she reiterates that a war with Iran would be far more expensive and devastating than anything, unlike the United States has ever experienced. She said that we’re likely to witness a disastrous loss of military and civilian lives in the region once we engage in a bloody war.

She strongly opposes the current US Government for pulling out of Iran nuclear deal. When Trump administration dumped Iran’s Nuclear agreement and imposed a series of economic sanctions, it signalled complete hostility from our end. Iran retaliated back by restarting their nuclear weapons programs. Going forward, this would spark a nuclear arms race in the region, causing countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, and others to acquire their atomic weapons. In short, it would destabilize world peace.

 This alarming threat bears a deadly consequence to our deployed military troops and will decimate the civilians living in those regions. Let’s support Tulsi to put an end to these reckless misadventures that are damaging our arm forces, straining our economy, and destroying world peace.

-By Tulsi Fans.

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