Investing in Early Education

Early childhood is the most critical phase of human development.

It is a period of rapid physical and mental growth and change. Children learn to move, communicate, and interact with the world and develop a sense of personal and cultural identity.


This period offers the most significant opportunities for positive human development, but it is also a time when children are most at risk. Negative influences on a child’s development during early childhood can be irreversible.

Research shows the many short- and long-term benefits of early childhood education, including increased academic development, lower rates of child abuse, neglect, income inequality, and crime.


Tulsi understands that investing in our children is an investment in our future and is continuing to work to increase funding for Head Start and early education programs in Hawaii and across the country.

Tulsi has visited preschools and Head Start classrooms across Hawaii and seen how early childhood education programs have had a high impact on our communities.

Let’s support and stand with Tulsi who wants to ensure that the new generations have better chances for the future.

-By Tulsi Fans

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