History of US-Iran Relations

For over 40 years Iran has stood in profound opposition to the United States and many of the USA’s moves throughout the Middle East have a lot to do with Iran one way or another.

1953 Iran’s then Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh is overthrown in a CIA bat coup after his efforts to nationalize the country’s oil industry.

Mossadegh became hugely popular in Iran for nationalizing Iranian oil production exerting control of this precious resource and keeping oil money in Iran but this made Mossadegh wildly unpopular with the American and British governments.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the U.S. favourite Shah Maran comes to power the U.S. supports the Shah with hundreds of millions of dollars a military and economic aid of the next quarter century.

Source: vox.com

For the next 20 years the Shahs position of power was guaranteed by the U.S.

Oil was once again regulated through the West. The U.S. received Iranian oil in a favourable price.

Finally, in 1978 Iranians took to the streets forcing the Shah out of power fearing for his life the Shah fled and eventually landed in the United States.

1979 the Iranian Revolution opposes the sharp returning from exile Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini seized his power and famously calls the U.S. the Great Satan.

on November 4th, 1979 when the U.S. declined the request a group of Iranian college students took over the US Embassy in Tehran as a result 52 American citizens were held hostage for a total of 444 days the longest hostage crisis in recorded history.

On April 7th 1980 ease sever diplomatic relations American confidence Falls that same year an HD a long war between Iraq and Iran breaks out in which almost one and a half million people are killed the U.S. backs Iraq giving several billion dollars’ worth of economic aid military intelligence and training.

The United States sided with Iraq and throughout the eight-year war America supplied president of Iraq Saddam Hussein with intelligence reports billions of dollars military technology and chemical weapons.

In 1983 a suicide bomber targets the US Marine Barracks in a Lebanese capital Beirut killing 241 US military personnel the Iranian backed Hezbollah is blamed for the bombing and a separate attack on the US Embassy in Lebanon.

Source: cnn.com

1988 Iranian air bus is shot down an American warship shoots down an Iranian passenger airline killing all 296 children following some skirmishes between a U.S. ship and Iranian vessels in the Persian U.S. claims in accidents.

1990s Iran is accused of supporting several Hamas and Hezbollah attacks in the region 1995 President Bill Clinton places wide-ranging oil and trade sanctions on Iran.

In 2005 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad becomes the Iranian president and his harsh rhetoric sets the tone for upcoming years.

2006 to 2010 the U.S. succeeds in getting four rounds of UN sanctions passed against Iran data monitoring stop enriching uranium and exporting weapons and are pressured with some banking trade and travel restrictions.

On January 16, 2016 all nuclear-related sanctions on Iran are lifted in response to fulfilling the key conditions of the agreement. Iran’s strategy in the siding with the Assad regime has worked.

2017 with Trump’s presidency things get heated again travel bans missile tests sanctions and insults follow one after another.

It’s just the latest blow in a fight that has been going on for decades.

-By Tulsi Fans

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