Tulsi Gabbard on Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran nuclear deal

Tulsi Gabbard: “The change that I would like to see is the infighting between the government just because they’re of a different party I would like to see best to stop and well you touched on a lot well what was goanna ask you about but because of Trump’s reckless actions and foreign policy continuing the they would regime change we have seen for years you have talked about renegotiating the Iran nuclear deal and changing some of the changing and adding new things what was in the previous I was curious to what those changes were going to be.”

Tulsi Gabbard: “I think there as we were leading up to the vote and the finalizing of those negotiations of the Iran nuclear agreement under the Obama administration there was a lot of dialogue and conversation that we and congress had with Mr. Muñoz who was one of the lead negotiators as well as then secretary Kerry about how things were going the concerns that we had about some of the flaws we saw in the Ille then working to see how we could strengthen it and ultimately when that vote came before us in the House of Representatives, I think there were many of us that continued to have some concerns about what was may be left out of the deal or things that should have been strengthened specifically related to the sunset provisions that were in the deal as well as meaning certain things that were expiring by a certain date when Iran could potentially then resume their nuclear program as well as the fact that their missile program was really not addressed at all those were two main areas that I saw problematic that I thought then as I think now should be addressed in a parallel negotiated fashion to try to strengthen this agreement.”

But what it came down for me was when that vote was coming before us it was a choice between diplomacy or war and that deal even with its imperfections was better than dealing with an Iran that was literally weeks away from having a nuclear weapon capability which would really bring to the forefront the question of war before congress.

I think that’s what’s so important unfortunately that’s been lost is that we hear from politicians so often about well we should just go bomb this country or go take out that dictator or go and put sanctions on this country to punish them rather than really seeing that we must the United States should be a force for good in the world and that we should be in a position where we lead with cooperation rather than conflict sometimes. Unfortunately people mistake my foreign policies, people in Washington especially they assume that my call to end regime change wars equals isolationism which is really sad when I first started getting this I couldn’t figure it out but then I got gosh people really believe that bombing another country or overthrowing a dictator or enacting this modern-day siege of sanctions is really the only way we can relate with countries, because if we’re not doing that then obviously you’re an isolationist right that’s terrible that’s terrible we should and we must be a force for good in the world we should be strengthening alliances and partnerships with other countries recognizing that even if there are areas of difference serious concern that we can.

The kind of leadership that I would bring as president recognizing that we must have a strong and capable military ready to fulfil its mission of protecting the safety and security of our country and we must lead with a foreign policy that focuses on diplomacy leaving war as a final and last resort to protect the safety security and freedom of the American People this is how I will lead as president commander-in-chief.

So, if we want to reverse back this trend and revive our economy, then lets us bless Tulsi with our precious votes and allow her to change the course of our history.

-By Tulsi Fans

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/CultofTulsiGabbard

Tulsi Gabbard on People Before Politics

People Before Politics

A very practical thing that we need to address about the power of the two-party system and how hyper-partisan things have become because those two parties basically can accept an unlimited amount of money from any individual business or whatever and that creates an incredible amount of leverage for them to hold over members of Congress from both political parties who may be looking at an issue or both that’s coming to the House floor based on its merits imagine that thinking about all right well how will this best impact my constituents but if they’re thinking about voting against the party interest then more often than not they get the phone call or they get the tap on the shoulder on the house floor before the vote saying don’t you dare.

Tulsi Gabbard: “If you vote against the party interest then when it’s time for your re-election and you need help we’re not going to be there for you now if you look at the contrast between the unlimited amount of money basically that they’re able to take an individual member of Congress you can count it for president the max is $2,800 per election that you can accept from any individual you see the great imbalance and then you see how the decisions even about what bills are brought to the floor for a vote the agendas that are set are really in the hands of just a couple of people of the party that’s in charge this is the route of how we need to change with those parties who ever and it goes both ways their number one goal is getting more power in the next election and the day after the election whether you’re the winning side or the losing side.”

You’re thinking about how do we grow our numbers there’s always winners and losers and elections got it there’s different ideas coming from both parties on how to tackle these problems got it how about get to work and actually figure out how to solve some of these problems rather than worrying about well I don’t want to give those guys a political win so we’re going to withhold our support until we can figure it out so that our side can get the win.

This is so hard and disgusting on many levels because the result and the impact of this is people in this country suffered we were working on passage of the first step act a criminal justice reform bill it had support from very progressive members of Congress people call themselves progressives people, call themselves conservatives. They’d reached a consensus built a bill that wasn’t perfect but it actually made progress towards prison reform and reducing high recidivism rates in prisons helping people in their lives and also saving money in the process.

I’m not even kidding you there are leaders in the House and the Senate who came out in opposition to this bill because they did not want to deliver a political win to Donald Trump they’d rather leave people rotting in prison than deliver a win to Donald Trump give him something that he could say that he accomplished.

It’s sickening but this is the result of what happens when people put partisan interests ahead of the interests of the people of our country thankfully we were able to get that bill passed through the house got it passed through the Senate Trump signed it into law and there are thousands of people who are home with their families today because of the passage of that legislation people coming together and putting people ahead of politics, putting people ahead of profits. So what will I do this is the culture of leadership and leadership matters how we lead in this country sets that tone and that example of how we will continue to be able to put people ahead of politics and actually deliver the results that people deserve you.

Too many of our leaders put personal or partisan interests above the interests of the people. If Democrats are for something, Republicans are automatically against it, and vice versa.

Let’s support and stand with Tulsi, who wants to ensure that the new generations have better chances for the future.

-By Tulsi Fans

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/CultofTulsiGabbard

History of US-Iran Relations

For over 40 years Iran has stood in profound opposition to the United States and many of the USA’s moves throughout the Middle East have a lot to do with Iran one way or another.

1953 Iran’s then Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh is overthrown in a CIA bat coup after his efforts to nationalize the country’s oil industry.

Mossadegh became hugely popular in Iran for nationalizing Iranian oil production exerting control of this precious resource and keeping oil money in Iran but this made Mossadegh wildly unpopular with the American and British governments.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the U.S. favourite Shah Maran comes to power the U.S. supports the Shah with hundreds of millions of dollars a military and economic aid of the next quarter century.

Continue reading “History of US-Iran Relations”

Tulsi Gabbard on Border Security and Immigration Reform

What your stand is on border security and immigration?

Tulsi Gabbard: I think border security and immigration reform is one of those issues where when we really start having the conversation. I think we realize we actually share a lot of the same concerns I think it’s a disservice to both the problem and those of us who are seeking solutions that in this kind of tweet driven soundbite driven political environment those of us who recognize we need border security are somehow criticized as being anti-immigrant and those who are fighting for a more humane immigration policy are sometimes criticized as being for open borders there are some advocating for open borders I disagree with that as a nation.



Tulsi Gabbard: “We need borders otherwise we don’t really have a country and so then the next question is so how do we accomplish that I disagree with President Trump’s plan of a wall from sea to shining sea because I think it just doesn’t make sense we’ve got to look at border security and what is the most cost effective way to be able to do that in some places that may mean a barrier of some sort in other places that wouldn’t make any sense at all again it’s just about figuring out how do we accomplish a mission what’s the best way to do that right alongside border security we need to also really bring about the kind of comprehensive immigration reform that’s been talked about for many years but has always fallen to the wayside because of partisan interests rather than seeing okay yeah there’s got to be some give-and-take along the way but this is too serious of a problem to allow it to remain broken it is affecting families in our country it’s affecting our economy and they’re there are a lot of things that would greatly benefit our country if we simply came together and actually addressed these issues.”

We need borders otherwise we don’t really have a country.

-By Tulsi Fans

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/CultofTulsiGabbard

Tulsi Gabbard about Environment and Hemp Industries

Tulsi Gabbard: “Thank you for talking about hemp it’s something that’s not talked about often enough yes hemp is not marijuana often times they’re mixed up and even though we were able to pass legislation as you said to free hemp there’s still a lot of regulations in place because of misunderstandings and because marijuana is still prohibited by federal law in our home state of Hawaii there’s a number of tests and pilot projects going on around the growing of hemp but a number of crops of hemp that were just grown reason my dad is a big hemp advocate in our state and he’s a state senator he’s the chair of the Agriculture Committee and this whole crop of hemp that was grown had to literally be destroyed because the THC content was something like point zero two too high not marijuana and this arbitrary content of THC had really no impact or no connection to reality but this entire hemp crop had to be completely destroyed because of it.”



Tulsi Gabbard: “I have the only bipartisan legislation in Congress that would end the federal prohibition on marijuana period. I have passed legend introduced legislation in Congress post farm bill that had the provision in it regarding hemp to help encourage more development innovation entrepreneurship both around growing hemp as well as the many different industries that are possible to benefit from hemp here in this country we are. I think the numbers last numbers I saw we import over 500 million dollars’ worth of hemp from other countries now and have been for a while when this is a crop a commodity that we could be growing right here at home creating more jobs empowering more entrepreneurs and as you’re talking about protecting the environment creating a whole new way for us to more sustainably invest in infrastructure and create products that actually help preserve and protect our environment in the process this is a huge it’s a huge area of opportunity I really am excited about I have been and yes as president I will continue to push to make sure that every single one of our states has the opportunity to maximize the potential of this. I’ll make a personal pitch for my home state where it’s beautiful weather year-round which means we can grow hemp year-round and we can produce a lot that can be sold to other states who are actually doing the manufacturing and all of this other stuff so thanks so much for raising this issue.”

-By Tulsi Fans

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/CultofTulsiGabbard

Tulsi Gabbard on People Powered Campaign

We, the American people, have so much power. We’ve got to remember that we are the ones who hire and fire the people who are elected to serve us and not the interest & big corporations.

Leaders are elected to serve the American people. So, we’ve got to exercise our voices and demand that we have leaders who are truly of by and for the people and take away the big influence that money has in our politics. Continue reading “Tulsi Gabbard on People Powered Campaign”

Tulsi Gabbard on Federal Funding

Federal Funding starts with redirecting our resources and our priorities to really where they’re most needed.

By working closely with federal, state, and local governments, we can make sure the priorities are set and directed by the state and local government who knows best where those resources can make an impact.

Tulsi Gabbard, who had worked previously on the city council & state legislature in Hawaii, knows there’s a healthy tension between the rules and regulations. A lot of the restrictions come along with federal dollars.

Tulsi Gabbard: “We need to make sure where the resources are needed the most.”

So, establishing a better relationship and communication is essential in those areas. Then we can understand their needs and get access to the federal funds to fill the gap that often exists within local and state government funding.

In Merrimack, there is still water scarcity going around in some communities.

The worse thing is kids are poisoned by water that’s coming out of their faucets in the United States of America, which is the wealthiest nation in the world.

It is unacceptable. Our families and our kids deserve better.

This is so critical that we see our taxpayer dollars are going towards serving the best interests and serving the needs of the people of our country.

-By Tulsi Fans

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/CultofTulsiGabbard

Leadership Qualities that Tulsi Gabbard Admires

Some great leaders have inspired Tulsi Gabbard that she had seen through her parents, military, and politics.

The following are the Leadership qualities that inspire Tulsi Gabbard.

It is essential to have a service-oriented heart and leadership. When college students or people of all ages come and say, “I want to run for office, or I want to be involved in public service, what’s your piece of advice”?

Continue reading “Leadership Qualities that Tulsi Gabbard Admires”

Why People Smear Tulsi?

If you are researching Tulsi Gabbard for the first time, and you have found many “issues,” you don’t agree. You likely hear the opinions of the mainstream media.

War is big cash, and Tulsi is fighting for peace. She endorsed Sanders after being a DNC insider, and the DNC is out to destroy her out of pettiness. The GOP fears her because of her veteran status, and common-sense policies appeal to a large chunk of their base. Continue reading “Why People Smear Tulsi?”